Workload Analysis techniques are series process to calculate the workload of a position/sub position, and also the number of people to fill the position in department. Workload analysis is very important to calculate exactly how many employees needed to complete all of tasks in a section or department in the company and can use to evaluate manpower performance efectivity.
FTE (Full time Equivalent) is one of the methods conducted in workload analysis process. FTE is a way to measure how many full-time employees would be required to perform the work done in a department or division.
The benefits of Workload Analysis:
- Reduce and optimize labour costs.
- Increase and optimize productivity.
- Meet service quality levels.
- Utilize all of Human Resource capacity and skills.
- Provide rewarding work and careers to employees
Rationalize and optimize the company with the right balance of generalists and specialists.
We will help to conduct the Workload Analysis to improve the efficiency and productivity of the company.