Performance Appraisal is one of the most important processes conducted in organizations. Performance Appraisals is the assessment of individual performance in a systematic way. Of the four main approaches to performance evaluation, namely behavior, atribut, competency and results.
There are many methods of Performance Appraisal, such as: (1) Rating Scales Method; (2) Results Based System Method; (3) Essay Method; (4) Management by Objectives Method; (5) Critical Incident Method; (6) Work Standards Method; (7) Forced Distribution Method; (8) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale; and (9) 360 Degree Feedback.
The benefits of Performance Appraisal:
- To identify for employee’s training and development needs.
- To increase employee morale, quality of work, employee relations, and performance.
- To help create a culture of communication.
- To help make decisions about salary increases.
- To evaluate performance and behavioural issues and then take steps to address them.
- Aligning the work goals of the employee with the mission, vission and strategic plan of the company.
We can help your company to implement performance appraisal that you can use to plan, monitor, improve and reward employee’s performance.